Sunday, December 6, 2015

Entry #10 Christopher Moore

So I'm a reader.  With real books, yeah, the kind that collect dust, smell old, and are dirt cheap second hand;  they are pretty fantastic.  I can ignore a room full of people for the world on a page, choose what I am going to enjoy and hang out with my cat while I engage in literary heaven. 
This is Zeke, he loves to books too.  He just ate my latest Christopher Moore book, one of my favorite fiction writing authors.  Zeke has excellent taste apparently.  While reading for fun seems to not be so popular in the book end of choices like they used to be, with options like ebooks, kindle, blogs, magazines and social media, I still hold a soft place for them in my heart and home (also my cats belly) for the paper back and hard cover editions. 
I really can't say I hate having so many books. they really are special.  So the last book I did read was a great one for me, being an artist, I found myself really enthralled with Sacre Bleu.
Do you like to read?  Out of books? Why or why not?  I might sound like a kook, but I love to read strictly out of actual real life books.  The availability to do so anywhere is appealing.  Please don't say if you have a device...etc.... I don't care.  For me I feel like I really get more out of it with the paper copy;  I can feel the pages, for some reason, it makes the picture in my head more real.  I also love the decorative factor to books, you can make a room look astounding with books, and your brain will thank you for the information you ingest by investing the time.

  Who is one of your favorite authors? Or any recent books you may have read that might be worth a recommendation?  My last book was a compilation of stories from Shirley Jackson.  She wrote thriller/horror fictional stories and is best known for writing a short story called The Lottery.  
I was listening to a discussion about the authors life on the radio, and I found out that she wrote a story that turned her into a agoraphobic (someone with a fear of leaving their home).  The story was We Have Always Lived In The Castle, so I went to the second hand bookstore and purchased it later the same day.  I am quite fascinated with the lives of writers.  What it must take to write the way they do, and what they could be like from this creative process.  Writers like Hemingway and Hunter S. Thompson were quite famous for their words on the page as well as their antics in life.  Is there any writers who inspire you? My top five favorites for the moment would probably be Chuck Palahniuk (he wrote Fight Club), Edgar Allen Poe, Pablo Neruda, Christopher Moore and George Orwell.  Who are some of your favorites and why? Please do share.

1 comment:

  1. Nicole--Nice new entries. Interesting topics and thoughtful discussion. You are comfortable sharing and being real, which is engaging and powerful. Good.
