Sunday, December 6, 2015

Entry# 9 Perception is Everything

So through my English class I have definitely had my fair share of research to do for my writing projects.  To be honest, it was a ton of research.  
The thing about having to research something, is what kinds of information it is possible to find.  Through all of the sifting, I have come to realize that a lot of basic information we come to depend on as fact really differs, and completely depends on who you ask.  No big deal?  Maybe.
Is it a big deal to only use one side of the information given?  What if you had an obligation to report on the facts?  Do we see this in media today? Please tell me you know the answer....(it's yes).
So whats the big deal if everything has two sides?  Well, maybe because it creates division.  It used to not bother me so much, because I do respect and believe that people will always hover around what they believe to be true.  Of course that is to be expected, but the problem isn't that people cling to what is familiar, the problem is when the familiar media decides to interpret information in half truths instead of the complete truth. 
So are we really getting helpful information from basic media outlets on world events?  I'm not sure I can say yes.  Of course, Ron Burgundy isn't actually working for a news station that some of us rely on, but, is it possible the news has not done enough research on topics to tell the full truth either?  I'm saying yes.  Whats the problem with this?  Way too much information without enough research of the opposing viewpoint; It makes things really ugly.
Part of this problem that really concerns me is the lack of opportunity for people to really do quality  research; given that most people can only sift through the most basic information, provided by the media that is giving only little bits of factual information. 
My classroom experience has really led me to believe that I really don't need to listen to the news whatsoever to learn about what is currently happening in the world.  I can read about it and come to my own decisions about the events if I really care, by doing some of my own quality research.  Otherwise, I might just be getting some generic point of view on a topic.  Right now I see this influence a lot in my own social media feed due to everyone placing their opinions of politics on there to read.  Let me just say, I am probably silently cussing you out behind my computer screen if this is you on my feed.  
Not because you cant have an opinion, but really, did you do enough research to come up with this conclusion you are so passionate about?  What about the opposing side? Why is it valid?  Did you just say "It just isn't!".....this is why we cant have nice things.  I know I have been guilty of coming to a decision without enough information.  Research has taught me how important it is to really examine a topic before jumping to a conclusion, or trusting with blind judgment that a public opinion might be the correct one.  Because remember kids, even the Nazi's thought they were doing the right thing.  So the next time someone is on a soapbox on Facebook, maybe before you go into battle mode with the arguing through violent computer key tapping, listen to what the other person has to say and do some real research before you speak up.
The rest of us will thank you.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading this!
    What you said is true...everything has two sides. We dont know what's true and whats not!
