Saturday, December 5, 2015

Entry #7 Stupid Men, STUPID STUPID men.

So I was told to research what a man is represented as in marketing for common, every day shopping needs.  Apparently, in marketing, its a really popular thing to make men really dumb.  Like, REALLY dumb.  Curious?  Have a look here.
I was a little shocked at first to see so many negative stereotypes of men in these videos.  I was wondering why it would be a smart move as a business to try and sell to a market that you're insulting.  Then I thought about all the women in these videos as well, or the lack there of; then I knew.

  These commercials are largely filled with incapable men, and annoyed wives, families, or daughters surrounding the father or male figure.  With annoyed eye rolling women, who apparently must be the shopper because men can definitely not get the job done, there is a business on the other end that is willing to help.
So maybe it was just me who took this away from these videos, but this marketing, sarcastic and clever, does a good job of entertaining its audience, which I believe is targeted to females with this genre of marketing.  Do you agree?  Please feel free to comment below.

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