Friday, November 6, 2015

Blog Entry #3 Slanted Reporting

Do you have a favorite news station?  A lot of people do, but I wonder how many of us stop to think about what that news station is really saying.  Does our news have another agenda other than giving out the facts?  I guess it just depends on who you ask.  
A lot of people might feel like me about the news.  I think its just a angle of truth spun for ratings.  While I do respect the importance of sharing current issues and news stories for events around the world, I am not sure how concerned the news is with just focusing on only reporting the bare facts these days. As I was looking for examples of slanted reports from two polar opposites of reporting I found this gem of a video on youtube. 
Maybe I just dont seem to care for gossip news, but I found myself irritated while watching this video.  I was sitting there thinking, "I wonder how much it costed both news stations to run each of these stories, and how it benefits anything in reality."  Thanks guys.
I was almost hesitant to continue my search with a real topic, something that mattered to me to find out how differently an event was commented on.  The result after my search left me sure of one thing I will always do after reading or listening to the news;  thinking about the topic myself and coming to a independent decision after having learned what I can about events.
While I researched a topic, I found it amazing to see two very different points of view over a situation that has a lot of information within it.  Where do you stand with the next two videos?  Was the shooter in the right or the wrong?  I can respect your opinion, but regardless of what it is, was it the medias place to give one as well?  
In this first video, the news station uses the victims family at the end to connect with the audience, to show sympathy for the situation and support of the actions taken against the officer.
In this second video, the media is using a respected member of the journalist community to discuss the shooters innocence, and how it is understandable that the officer reacted the way he did in the situation.
 Both news stations have shared information on the same subject, but in two very different ways.  So are they both correct or is one incorrect?  Should the news have a point of view?  I guess it just depends on who you ask; but maybe next time you notice this situation in the news, you will just decide for yourself what is the real information that is being shared.


  1. I love the comment you made on the first news stations "how much it costed both news stations to run each of these stories, and how it benefits anything in reality" this is so true!! It's like two rich teens that got a hold of some cameras and just had away with the TV. Completely inappropriate and just devastates that point each of them were trying to make, that they don't gossip. Welp, good job at ruining resources to cause drama over gossiping!

  2. I am looking at all these other blogs and I don't think I fully understood the meaning of this assignment by slanting my blog. I really like how you kept it neutral

  3. Hi Nicole.I mistakenly sent a comment on your Blog entry #3 to your Bog entry #2. Please forgive my computer ineptness and read my comment #3 on your Blog #2. Your "slanted" Blog was very impressive.

  4. I love the examples! each of them give a unique view to slanted reporting!
