Sunday, November 15, 2015

Blog Entry #5 Shorter Class Times at ASU

Arizona State University has changed how long it can take to finish a class semester.  Instead of taking 15 weeks to complete, some courses can be taken and finished in just 7 and 1/2 weeks.  So is this a good or bad thing?  According to the Arizona Republic's article on the semester time shift, it would depend on who you ask.
What are some of the concerns of shortening the amount of time it takes to complete a college course?  Faculty is forced to compress the amount of information taught down to what can be fit into the smaller time frame;  students also must finish a 15 week work load in half the amount of time.  What comes from this kind of environment? 
Some extremely hard working, stressed out teachers and students.
 So are students really getting as much information out of shorter classes as they might in a traditional 15 week course?  ASU says yes and students are taking advantage of the quicker class opportunity.
As a student, reading the Arizona Republics article about these shorter semesters was one I found informational and helpful.
I need this kind of flexibility in my life for school.  Who doesn't love options?
 With more and more people trying to balance a career with earning an education simultaneously, the changing landscape of how to receive an education is needed and wanted by many students.
The ever increasing appeal to online and hybrid courses has gotten the attention of many Universities.  As a student I see ASU's shift to offer more classes in this style as a recognized action to meet the needs of students today.  I also think that all educational institutions should be careful at what is offered in compressed courses.  Certain subjects should require longer class times because of the information and research being covered in classes.
I'm pretty positive we should be careful on how quickly we want to cover information just so it has the time to sink in as we learn.
So would you be interested in shorter class times for more classes if you were a student?  Or is learning 15 weeks at a time a better choice in your life?  Please share your thoughts if you like.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Nicole. I 100% agree that certain classes may require a longer class schedule because of the criteria and all the time it takes to research and develop deeper understanding of what you're learning. I like how the Simpson's shows how rushing through training and knowledge can lead to big mistakes in your career. It is the real world and a lot to think about.

  3. Hi Nicole. I agree with you on this issue. I believe that as many options that can be, should be offered to students. In my Entry #5, I do point out a couple of concerns I have. Like you, one of my concerns is overall quality of education be effected by shorter semesters. Good job Nicole.
