Thursday, October 1, 2015

Entry #7 Is the Food We Eat Our Choice?

We have all stood in a supermarket, all different kinds of them, but did you really get what you needed?  My answer to this question a lot like everyone's would be of course I did; until I stopped to think about it after watching the film FRESH

 The truth is, for most of my life in its entirety I have not stopped to think about where my food comes from, how it came to be in the supermarket for me to buy it, and what it took to get there.  We live in such a time of great convenience, we take things for granted, because we know of course the supermarket is going to have the food we need.  After watching the Fresh documentary though my mind has been racing more and more each and every time I step into the grocery store.  This film has made me really think about how I live, eat, and what quality of the food is that I am feeding my family.

The Fresh documentary's  main purpose of the film was to share information about how industrial farms bring food into the supermarkets for the consumer and how we need to change the design of industrial farming to be safer and healthier for people, animals and the planet.  The films message really spoke with me because I feel like I am in the group of people who can make a difference in what is eaten in my home.  The documentaries primary audience would be adults who grocery shop; the film showed how we can improve the quality of growing food in both the farming setting while still including ways to grow food in an urban setting too.
This film really opened my eyes about how food is grown and how animals are treated in a industrial farm setting.  I am not a vegetarian but it made me really concerned about the meat I eat because of the treatment of animals in industrial farms. Fresh showed the amount of waste industrial farming creates, the hormones, additives, and antibiotics that are given to these animals; most importantly the film shared the quality of life provided for animals in the industrial farm setting.  For me it was downright horrific to see and know that an animal lived an entire lifetime in a space that isn't humane and fed chemical ridden food just so I could by prepackaged cheap meat at the grocery store.  What really hit home for me though was that this food I am buying at my convenient grocery store is conveniently poisoning my family and myself slowly at a quick and convenient price while conveniently destroying the planet that I am trying to help preserve and save for my children.

I try not to sound preachy or like I need you to listen to my soap box, but this made me want to shout out-loud to everyone, "The fucking supermarket is going to kill us all!"  Not too extreme right?  Maybe it does sound extreme, but please, watch Fresh if you think it sounds crazy, watch it if you wonder if you really have a choice in food.  Fresh left me realizing that I can do a whole lot more to open up my options for the food I eat, and how it comes to end up on my plate and how animals live before they wind up under my fork.  Please watch Fresh and tell me what you thought of it,  I care about your soap boxes too.  Here is a link to the documentary's website, it provides some video clips from the film and you can purchase the film to watch there as well if your inclined after watching the clips.

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