Sunday, October 4, 2015

Entry #8 Would you live on Mars?

So I'm no space geek but there has been a lot of discussion of space in the news lately; between the recent lunar eclipse and NASA finding water on Mars there is a lot of information to be read on the topic. 
As the lunar eclipse happened September 28th, 2015, I was looking at the sky and thinking about how hard we are working as human beings to learn more about space.  I thought it was a strange thing,  that we could be controlling objects that a hurling through space and communicating with this technology to learn about what lies beyond our planet.  It must be such perfect timing for the upcoming movie called The Martian to be coming out in theaters
So as scientists just found out that there is water on Mars, I couldn't help but wonder how long it might take for humanity to try and live there too.  As I read more about the water found on Mars, I also read about a group called Mars One.  This organization that is planning on sending a group of people to live out the rest of their lives on Mars, to try and make it a sustainable place for human life to live. 
It made me really wonder what it takes to commit to the rest of your life to a risky adventure, and if I could ever see myself risking it all to go into deep space.  For me, I will say no thanks if the opportunity ever knocked on my own door, but would you go?  Its an amazing thing to think about really, to be someone who participates in colonizing a new world with Humanity; its certainly a mission for the adventurous.  I guess I feel hesitant only because Humanity doesn't know how to live on the bottom of the ocean of our own planet, so I wonder how successful we can truly be at living on another world.  Everything in baby-steps though I guess; until we are being hurled through space ourselves.  Please comment, I would love to know if you  would go given the opportunity; let me thank you for being braver than me if you would go.

1 comment:

  1. Honestly, I think if the chance was ever offered I would take it in a second. Imagine being a part of a possible new sustainable life? I mean even being a small amoeba in the entire process would be an honor. With the way the worlds environment is killing itself and Stephen Hawking's statement that the Earth will not be sustainable in 1,000 years...we need advancement in Space. If anything it needs to be a priority. Anyways nice topic!
