Sunday, October 4, 2015

Entry #9 Pink Slime

What the heck is pink slime?  Apparently, its food we eat in the United States.  A hugely popular fast food chain has been feeding us pink slime for some time now and was put in the hot seat over it.
So while Ronald McDonald helps those cute sick, handicapped, and dying kids, he is poising the rest of us that purchase meals at McDonalds all at the same time; thanks Ronald!
You must admit, McDonalds smells pretty good if your driving by or walking past when you are hungry.  They certainly do offer a affordable price with any size soda fountain drinks for $1 any day of the week.  Its so easy to buy a white cup and fill it with the perfect amount of ice to then top with sweet smelling fizzy soda.  The food is fast and affordable, which is such a life saver for busy family nights.  Except, its quite the opposite of life saving, its more like contributing to the bank of future diabetes for yourself or loved ones when eating it; the public is starting to notice too.
So with public figures finally calling out the dangers of cheap processed food, whats happening to help prevent such terrible things from being fed to the public? People are talking more and shopping more for better options than the pink slime.  Important people like The First Lady are trying to start from the ground up with educating children and families on what healthy food looks like with organizations like Lets Move!
 Jamie Oliver, a chef that is rattling the cages of fast food Titans like McDonalds are helping regular people have more of a voice in what goes into our food.  Change is possible, we just need to be more aware of what needs to change to help us navigate through what is safe and good for our consumption.
We can influence businesses to change, because if we say we will not eat this poor quality, they must change in order to survive as a profitable business.  Because Jamie Oliver was passionate enough to stick to his guns on what should be considered food that is safe enough to eat, McDonalds had to change the way they were producing it.   We have the ability to help change these things, and what we give not only to ourselves, but to our loved ones as well.  Can you stick to your beliefs and help to do the same?  Let's all say no to the pink slime for the rest of time.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked the video of Jamie Oliver you put with this post because I totally agree with his ideas and what you think about the "pink slime." We have the power to change the way we eat for the better.
