Friday, December 11, 2015

Entry #11 The final goodbye.

So this is it, the last of the blogging for English class.  It has been a real experience for me.  I have blogged for the last 16 weeks and have loved, hated, stressed and enjoyed the process.  Hopefully it wasn't too painful to read most of the time, I really tried to use enough cat pictures to make up for my flaws in writing.
I took this assignment of blogging seriously because I was trying hard to learn how to speak with an audience in a way that seemed at least a little interesting. Hopefully, this plan worked at least a little.  When I first started to blog, I was really nervous.  I just kept thinking that I had nothing to say, no input that could possibly sound interesting.  As the assignments kept going forward though, I found it started to become easier and easier to make a blog entry.  Now at the end, I feel like I might even miss it a little now that its over.
At the beginning I didn't really believe that blogging is really something that is useful, but I think that my opinion has really changed and grown.  Blogging has helped me to be a better writer, I have figured out how to use my own voice, and with the internets capabilities, I can even make my topics entertaining, inspiring, and informative.
I think the biggest challenge of blogging was to be daring enough to open up and share my opinions.  To really put yourself out there for anyone to read your ideas of is not something everyone is comfortable with.  It seemed pretty daunting at first, like, your serious? Oh no, please no.
But I did it, and it changed me.  I learned, and I am happier now knowing I can speak my mind and its not really a big deal.  People might hate it, or agree and maybe even really like what I have to say; all of the opinions are perfectly fine with me.  I have learned that my words are for a particular audience, and that's actually pretty cool. Blogging is definitely something that helps to connect people and ideas on a large scale.  I now really appreciate this and respect the people who can do this successfully and regularly.  Its a really innovative and new way to reach audiences that haven't been reached in the past.
In being a student, blogging has definitly shown me how to really make a blog more than just words.  To be able to learn how to add dimension to the blog itself was really useful for me.  Having the available resources as a student to learn how to "pimp out" my blog really brought up the quality of the entries.  Blogging also helped me to change my approach in my other assignments because it has helped me to move towards using my voice more in my writing.  I can push the limits of academic writing farther by making it more of the style in which I like to write.  It also helped me to understand the diversity of my classmates better.
We are all so different, yet we congregate in the same place to speak about our thoughts and ideas.  It was one of the most enjoyable parts of the blogging process, when I was reading other students entries.  Overall as an assignment for an English class, I do consider blogging a useful tool that should be developed.  Mainly because learning the skill does transfer into the rest of the writing being done in the classroom.  It has been overall a fun experience, and it was nice to share and learn from the process overall.  So thank you for listening, and I wish everyone the best with whats next in life.
Good Luck and Good Bye.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Entry #10 Christopher Moore

So I'm a reader.  With real books, yeah, the kind that collect dust, smell old, and are dirt cheap second hand;  they are pretty fantastic.  I can ignore a room full of people for the world on a page, choose what I am going to enjoy and hang out with my cat while I engage in literary heaven. 
This is Zeke, he loves to books too.  He just ate my latest Christopher Moore book, one of my favorite fiction writing authors.  Zeke has excellent taste apparently.  While reading for fun seems to not be so popular in the book end of choices like they used to be, with options like ebooks, kindle, blogs, magazines and social media, I still hold a soft place for them in my heart and home (also my cats belly) for the paper back and hard cover editions. 
I really can't say I hate having so many books. they really are special.  So the last book I did read was a great one for me, being an artist, I found myself really enthralled with Sacre Bleu.
Do you like to read?  Out of books? Why or why not?  I might sound like a kook, but I love to read strictly out of actual real life books.  The availability to do so anywhere is appealing.  Please don't say if you have a device...etc.... I don't care.  For me I feel like I really get more out of it with the paper copy;  I can feel the pages, for some reason, it makes the picture in my head more real.  I also love the decorative factor to books, you can make a room look astounding with books, and your brain will thank you for the information you ingest by investing the time.

  Who is one of your favorite authors? Or any recent books you may have read that might be worth a recommendation?  My last book was a compilation of stories from Shirley Jackson.  She wrote thriller/horror fictional stories and is best known for writing a short story called The Lottery.  
I was listening to a discussion about the authors life on the radio, and I found out that she wrote a story that turned her into a agoraphobic (someone with a fear of leaving their home).  The story was We Have Always Lived In The Castle, so I went to the second hand bookstore and purchased it later the same day.  I am quite fascinated with the lives of writers.  What it must take to write the way they do, and what they could be like from this creative process.  Writers like Hemingway and Hunter S. Thompson were quite famous for their words on the page as well as their antics in life.  Is there any writers who inspire you? My top five favorites for the moment would probably be Chuck Palahniuk (he wrote Fight Club), Edgar Allen Poe, Pablo Neruda, Christopher Moore and George Orwell.  Who are some of your favorites and why? Please do share.

Entry# 9 Perception is Everything

So through my English class I have definitely had my fair share of research to do for my writing projects.  To be honest, it was a ton of research.  
The thing about having to research something, is what kinds of information it is possible to find.  Through all of the sifting, I have come to realize that a lot of basic information we come to depend on as fact really differs, and completely depends on who you ask.  No big deal?  Maybe.
Is it a big deal to only use one side of the information given?  What if you had an obligation to report on the facts?  Do we see this in media today? Please tell me you know the answer....(it's yes).
So whats the big deal if everything has two sides?  Well, maybe because it creates division.  It used to not bother me so much, because I do respect and believe that people will always hover around what they believe to be true.  Of course that is to be expected, but the problem isn't that people cling to what is familiar, the problem is when the familiar media decides to interpret information in half truths instead of the complete truth. 
So are we really getting helpful information from basic media outlets on world events?  I'm not sure I can say yes.  Of course, Ron Burgundy isn't actually working for a news station that some of us rely on, but, is it possible the news has not done enough research on topics to tell the full truth either?  I'm saying yes.  Whats the problem with this?  Way too much information without enough research of the opposing viewpoint; It makes things really ugly.
Part of this problem that really concerns me is the lack of opportunity for people to really do quality  research; given that most people can only sift through the most basic information, provided by the media that is giving only little bits of factual information. 
My classroom experience has really led me to believe that I really don't need to listen to the news whatsoever to learn about what is currently happening in the world.  I can read about it and come to my own decisions about the events if I really care, by doing some of my own quality research.  Otherwise, I might just be getting some generic point of view on a topic.  Right now I see this influence a lot in my own social media feed due to everyone placing their opinions of politics on there to read.  Let me just say, I am probably silently cussing you out behind my computer screen if this is you on my feed.  
Not because you cant have an opinion, but really, did you do enough research to come up with this conclusion you are so passionate about?  What about the opposing side? Why is it valid?  Did you just say "It just isn't!".....this is why we cant have nice things.  I know I have been guilty of coming to a decision without enough information.  Research has taught me how important it is to really examine a topic before jumping to a conclusion, or trusting with blind judgment that a public opinion might be the correct one.  Because remember kids, even the Nazi's thought they were doing the right thing.  So the next time someone is on a soapbox on Facebook, maybe before you go into battle mode with the arguing through violent computer key tapping, listen to what the other person has to say and do some real research before you speak up.
The rest of us will thank you.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Entry #8 All I Want for Christmas is Booze.

There it is, looming on the horizon.  Thanksgiving is over, (which is fine because it truly a kind of messed up holiday).  I rather not go into that too far because there is another beast of a day I am counting down to pass.  The dreaded Christmas.
Maybe its selfish, but mostly its disgust.  As a kid I loved Christmas, but now as an adult, I cant wait to see it pass.  Yes as a parent its my duty to make the day special for my kids, but I cant help but think sometimes that its like feeding poison to someone I love. (Dramatic?)  Maybe not.  Is it healthy to teach my kids to expect?  To ask for something they really dont need?  To believe some strange guy is showing up in the middle of the night to fuffill the wish of toys under the Christmas tree?  
My answer is I have no idea.  So this year I decided to shake it up a little.  We are skipping Christmas.  Yes, we hung the lights in the yard, and yes, we are decorating a tree. Yes there is a dinner to be had together at the table. Most importantly though, there will be no presents.  
Monsterous?  Maybe.  Brilliant?  Possible.  Here is the thing, I don't want my children to end up with the notion that any gift is not good enough.  I want my children to understand that this holiday season should instead be about the time we spend together, as a family and the joy that brings.  Instead of ending up like some of these kids.
Instead of getting, we will be giving our time to the less fortunate.  Because a little bit can make a world of difference.  The most interesting thing in this experiment is how excited my kids are to help others.  Its funny the things we fear in not giving each other enough over the holidays.  The truth is, given the chance, we can all be pretty great at giving.
 So maybe I am a grinch, but lets remember what the grinch taught us all,

"It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more". (Dr. Suess)

  So happy holidays or whatever.  Hope you enjoy it, because we will be. Cheers.

Entry #7 Stupid Men, STUPID STUPID men.

So I was told to research what a man is represented as in marketing for common, every day shopping needs.  Apparently, in marketing, its a really popular thing to make men really dumb.  Like, REALLY dumb.  Curious?  Have a look here.
I was a little shocked at first to see so many negative stereotypes of men in these videos.  I was wondering why it would be a smart move as a business to try and sell to a market that you're insulting.  Then I thought about all the women in these videos as well, or the lack there of; then I knew.

  These commercials are largely filled with incapable men, and annoyed wives, families, or daughters surrounding the father or male figure.  With annoyed eye rolling women, who apparently must be the shopper because men can definitely not get the job done, there is a business on the other end that is willing to help.
So maybe it was just me who took this away from these videos, but this marketing, sarcastic and clever, does a good job of entertaining its audience, which I believe is targeted to females with this genre of marketing.  Do you agree?  Please feel free to comment below.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Blog E.C.Entry Discussing Capitalism: A Love Story

So I watched Michael Moore's film about capitalism in class, here is a little snippet of what its about.
 Michael Moore does a really good job of talking about capitalism and its flaws in our current governmental system.  Regardless if you are a fan of Michael Moore's directing style, I think he does a good job of bringing a difficult topic to the table for the public to discuss.
 While the film has a lot of valid information, Michael Moore's style of rhetoric offers a comedic tone throughout his film that keeps the audience laughing. Even if the audience might be annoyed or disagree with the points being made by the director, you will probably chuckle more than a few times through the course of the film. 
As someone who believes that we should be discussing what is happening in society today, there were some really interesting points made in this film. Points that made me think twice about the power that large businesses hold in our society as Americans.  I highly recommend watching this film to anyone who wants to consider what the idea of capitalism is.  If you have seen this film, please tell me what your thoughts were on it, and if you agree or disagree with Mr. Moore's opinions.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Blog Entry#6 Art Brings Hope

Unless you live in a hole underground, you probably know whats been going on in the media with the heartbreaking attacks in Paris.

  I am not here to share political ideas on the topic, I am here to talk about how art is such a powerful symbol, even at the worst moments in human history.
I am a believer in the good of humanity, and I believe that even when we are faced with terrible moments, we are able to band together through our differences and create messages of hope and love for one another.  I believe that we can channel art to help us move these messages of unity and hope.  With art we help to document the moments of these tragedies, and that the loved ones lost in violence are immortalized through these symbols. 
Artist have been using art to show peoples resilience and to take stands against violence for centuries.  Art is a reminder that we can come together and be one thing all together, people capable of great things.
This painting was created by Painter Delacriox to inspire hope in the wake of war violence in 1830.  It symbolized the Goddess Liberty leading the people of France, it stood as a symbol of hope for the French and is beloved by many for its intesense emotional appeal.
 Picasso made this piece of art as protest to the bombings of Spain in World War II by Germany.  It depicts the suffering and violence of war, but also as a symbol that defies the fear that the bombings were supposed to ignite in the people that were left in the aftermath.  This painting brought hope to the survivors and was considered a symbol of the resistance to the purposeful spread of fear in war; which made it loved and hated by many of the time.  It had to be guarded by security to prevent attempts on its destruction by the Nazi's of World War II, because it successfully stood as an image that opposed violence.
This sculpture was created to show different men faced with imminent execution in 1347.  Rodin's bronze work of art depicts men who are in peril but who must stand together in the face of death to spare the people of their city.   

Acts of war are painful, and create fear, but we can use the good of humanity to create bigger and more powerful statements about mankind; ones filled with positive messages of love and unity.
What are some images that mean something important to you?  Do you know any symbols that are positive? Please share.

Blog Entry #5 Shorter Class Times at ASU

Arizona State University has changed how long it can take to finish a class semester.  Instead of taking 15 weeks to complete, some courses can be taken and finished in just 7 and 1/2 weeks.  So is this a good or bad thing?  According to the Arizona Republic's article on the semester time shift, it would depend on who you ask.
What are some of the concerns of shortening the amount of time it takes to complete a college course?  Faculty is forced to compress the amount of information taught down to what can be fit into the smaller time frame;  students also must finish a 15 week work load in half the amount of time.  What comes from this kind of environment? 
Some extremely hard working, stressed out teachers and students.
 So are students really getting as much information out of shorter classes as they might in a traditional 15 week course?  ASU says yes and students are taking advantage of the quicker class opportunity.
As a student, reading the Arizona Republics article about these shorter semesters was one I found informational and helpful.
I need this kind of flexibility in my life for school.  Who doesn't love options?
 With more and more people trying to balance a career with earning an education simultaneously, the changing landscape of how to receive an education is needed and wanted by many students.
The ever increasing appeal to online and hybrid courses has gotten the attention of many Universities.  As a student I see ASU's shift to offer more classes in this style as a recognized action to meet the needs of students today.  I also think that all educational institutions should be careful at what is offered in compressed courses.  Certain subjects should require longer class times because of the information and research being covered in classes.
I'm pretty positive we should be careful on how quickly we want to cover information just so it has the time to sink in as we learn.
So would you be interested in shorter class times for more classes if you were a student?  Or is learning 15 weeks at a time a better choice in your life?  Please share your thoughts if you like.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Blog Entry #4 Love With A Pen Pal Who Happens To Be A Serial Killer

Ever wonder how in the world some people fall in love with total psychopaths?  Who the heck would marry a person who is in prison for brutal murders after a rise to infamy for their monstrously brutal actions?  More people try to do this than you would think. defines people who are attracted to these killers as Hybristophiles. Its a psychological condition that makes people more attracted to the famous baddies. Many of these serial killers aquire quite a fan club.  Pictured above is the convicted killer Charles Manson, he was found guilty of the murders of 9 people in California in the 1960's; one of the victims was 8 1/2 month pregnant movie star, Sharon Tate.The woman pictured with the 80 year old Manson is his 27 year old wife; they were married in February of 2015.  Manson will more than likely spend the rest of his days in prison, but his wife swears true love until the end.
 Charles Manson is not unique in the way of finding someone while being incarcerated to share marital bliss with, many of the infamous serial murderers find plenty of people to talk to while serving a life sentence. 
Shirlee Joyce Book, became the wife of one of the notorious Hill Side Stranglers; Kenneth Bianchi.  Shirlee Book had also tried to win the heart of convicted serial killer Ted Bundy who raped and killed at least 35 young women.  Maybe Bundy could just not appreciate her writing syle, at least Book found what she was looking for with Bianchi.
  There is someone for everybody right?  If you ever wondered what it would be like to talk to a homicidal maniac, all you need to do is write a letter, all the husbands and wives of these convicts started out as pen pals.  If they are interested in you, you may get a response, and possibly in the long run, a future husband or wife out of the correspondence. Creepy? Maybe that is why some people just cant seem to find a date.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Blog Entry #3 Slanted Reporting

Do you have a favorite news station?  A lot of people do, but I wonder how many of us stop to think about what that news station is really saying.  Does our news have another agenda other than giving out the facts?  I guess it just depends on who you ask.  
A lot of people might feel like me about the news.  I think its just a angle of truth spun for ratings.  While I do respect the importance of sharing current issues and news stories for events around the world, I am not sure how concerned the news is with just focusing on only reporting the bare facts these days. As I was looking for examples of slanted reports from two polar opposites of reporting I found this gem of a video on youtube. 
Maybe I just dont seem to care for gossip news, but I found myself irritated while watching this video.  I was sitting there thinking, "I wonder how much it costed both news stations to run each of these stories, and how it benefits anything in reality."  Thanks guys.
I was almost hesitant to continue my search with a real topic, something that mattered to me to find out how differently an event was commented on.  The result after my search left me sure of one thing I will always do after reading or listening to the news;  thinking about the topic myself and coming to a independent decision after having learned what I can about events.
While I researched a topic, I found it amazing to see two very different points of view over a situation that has a lot of information within it.  Where do you stand with the next two videos?  Was the shooter in the right or the wrong?  I can respect your opinion, but regardless of what it is, was it the medias place to give one as well?  
In this first video, the news station uses the victims family at the end to connect with the audience, to show sympathy for the situation and support of the actions taken against the officer.
In this second video, the media is using a respected member of the journalist community to discuss the shooters innocence, and how it is understandable that the officer reacted the way he did in the situation.
 Both news stations have shared information on the same subject, but in two very different ways.  So are they both correct or is one incorrect?  Should the news have a point of view?  I guess it just depends on who you ask; but maybe next time you notice this situation in the news, you will just decide for yourself what is the real information that is being shared.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Blog Entry #2 Crimson Peak

October 15th, 2015 was a day that I had been anticipating for a few weeks.  I was patiently waiting for the release of a movie that I was quite excited to see before Halloween.  Crimson Peak, a horror story directed by a master of spooky film, Guillermo Del Toro, had brought to the theaters his latest work of art for the public to enjoy; just in time to see before All Hallows Eve. 
I went to see the film opening night, and like Del Toro's previous films such as Hell Boy and Pan's Labryinth, Crimson Peak was visually stunning for the audience.  While I went to this film with the expectation that I would be frightened through certain parts of the movie, I was actually met with a fantastic piece of art that I would recommend to anyone who enjoys suspense and mystery.
Crimson Peak reminded me of some of the best books that I have read. Crimson Peak reveals a house that may even surpass the uneasiness I felt while reading Edgar Allen Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher.  Without giving away too much of the new movie to any interested viewers about Crimson Peak, I do hope you enjoy knowing a little of the history of what has inspired the fantastic Director Del Toro to use as hints of reference in his new film.  Enjoy, and I hope Halloween is truly spooky for you all.

Blog Entry #1: The world of blogs

Blogging, online writing entries of countless topics and information for anyone in the world to filter through if they so wish.  I took the plunge and found a few to talk about here with you. The first and by far my favorite was Deborah Blum's Elemental.  
While this blog has not been updated since May of 2014, I still found myself totally enamored with the writing of Deborah Blum.  Imagine finding a lovely looking website with a darkly humorous tone which discusses how people die from different poisons. Elemental is a gloriously macabre delight for any fan of biological killing agents, and those who enjoy the stories that come from the existence of poisons.  Toxicology; famous deaths from poisons through history and present day, and chemical exposures lit up my computer screen.  I was filled with awe and complete delight from Deborah's wonderfully dark and informational rhetoric. 

PBS also noticed the work of Deborah's fantastic writing and created a great television series based on her books about poison and myserious deaths.  

 If you love the dark mystery type shows, you can watch and episode for free on YouTube here.  

I then continued my journey down the rabbit hole of cyber surfing to find another great blog.  Somewhere in route, I took a wrong turn and ended up on the TMZ blog page.  I hesitated for a moment before continuing my investigation.  I decided to not close out the page and look for something else; I just had to know why all the celebrity gossip seems to be so interesting to much of the public.
TMZ is a fantastic work of literary garbage with excellent titles to articles containing almost zero credible information; just like the gossip they are spreading.  The facts were quite hollow as I clicked on several different topics.  Built like a gossip magazine, the TMZ blog posts many pictures up with great titles that hook the audience, but if you want to actually read a good article this is not the place; you will find on the next page bad paparazzi photos of annoyed looking celebrities who are having their personal space invaded instead.  This articles writing mostly contained tweets of other celebrities reactions to this "scary interview".  Great reporting TMZ, I am so glad I read about what other famous people think as an opposing opinion to another celebrity's opinion.
 If celebrity gossip is your vice though, by all means, enjoy.
The third blog I visited and was thankfully interested in was  Postsecret is an interactive art project that shows private secrets to anyone who wants to read them. 
Keeping the senders of the intimate subject matters completely anonymous, the layout of Postsecret's blog is very simple, keeping the focus on each entry.  If you ever want to explore the personal secrets of complete strangers to feel a wide variety of emotions, this is the place to go. Postsecret was an enjoyable experience for myself, after reading through several entries I left the page feeling like I had just interacted with a complex piece of art that is a living social experiment.
What are some of your favorite blogs?  I would love to hear what you thought of any of these three as well if you have the time.  So please, blog on. :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Introduction Practice Entry

Hello world, my name is Nicole, I am a mother, student, artist and adventurer.
I am a thirty two year old full time student. I am about to graduate with an Associates Degree in Fine Art from Glendale Community College (only eight weeks left).  I will be starting my Bachelors program in Fine Art at Arizona State University in the spring and will be getting a Masters Degree after that, (hopefully at the University of Washington).  I work full time as a tattoo artist and painter, and use what little free time there is left to spend with my family, and we do our best to travel and see new places as much as possible.

 This is a tattoo I recently completed from a zodiac series I am currently working on.  
This is a painting that I made in a old drawer I found in an alley.  A lot of my art borders between sculpture and found art that is re purposed for painting.  My interests are in art, with all its different styles, but recycled and re purposed work really strikes an internal chord with me.

I would like to end up working in a museum someday cleaning the works of art with my Fine Arts degree.  I really find joy in the thought of going to work someday and dusting old magnificent works of art for a living.
For now though, I just work on smaller projects of my own design.  When I am not working my hobbies are camping, yoga, and road trips.  
This is a photo of myself with my boys; we were near the Utah border in northern Arizona in an area that people used to live inside the rock formations.  Having a sense of adventure and willingness to explore the unknown is something I believe in and try to share and experience with my family as much as possible.  Thanks for getting to know me a little better.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Entry #11 Final Post (for now anyway)

So as my blogging days come to an end for now I reflect on the whole process and what I gained from sharing some causal thoughts with the world.  All in all I would say this has been a learning experience that keeps me learning how to do more nifty tricks with a computer. Inserting cool something here because I now know how, yippee!
I wouldn't say that I truly love blogging, but it has given me the opportunity to work on how to make my entries, (hopefully at least) a little interesting for anyone who was willing to read some of my rhetoric.  I really do hope it wasn't to painful for my tiny audience to endure.
In trying to blog on a consist time line I attempted to make the topics interesting or entertaining for my audience while attempting to maintain a humorous tone.  Overall I feel like keeping a light tone to the writing was important for me because I believe that ultimately my blogging opinion is just a spec in a universe of blogs.  While my writing exists and floats around the internet, I don't think it's actually that important it exists or has a real impact.
I will however say that blogging as an ongoing assignment in an English Class is something that I was surprised to be doing and found a little refreshing.  No offense to the English majors here but I am pretty sure this might be a pretty interesting way to involve students instead of reading countless more papers from student work.  Blogging is also nice since your saving trees at the same time while reading someones work; score!
Lastly, my suggestion for my English Professor on using a blogging assignment would be to consider letting the students choose their topics and give a solid base of what is required in an entry to see what comes of a blog that is not limited to particular subjects.  Blogging in this way could lead to some really fascinating topics; or maybe be specific in saying what may not be talked about to eliminate popular subjects in order to create more diverse subjects that will be shared by the students. 
So for now, I bid you farewell, I may return shortly though, English 102 is only 2 weeks away. 
Nicole Davy
Over and Out